ABOUT THE PROJECT                                  

The Anti- Racism Project is dedicated to ending racism. At this time we are primarily students, staff members, and community members in and around the public schools in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. Through this web site we seek to share what we have learned and invite others to engage with us in learning, sharing and taking action to end racism. Because it is what we know best, our work is currently focused primarily on the United States. We are interested in offering a more international perspective and welcome your suggestions and contributions. Our primary project right now is "Youth Helping to End Racism".

Youth Helping to End Racism (YHER) is a project to encourage young people to make a commitment to work to eliminate racism, and to enable them to connect with other young people who care about ending racism – using the Web to learn, to share experiences, and get inspired to take positive action steps. We also offer workshops and programs in schools and for students, parents, and educators in other settings. Please contact us if you might be interested in these.

 Advisory panels for YHER include students in grades 5 -12, and adults from the schools and community.  The advisory groups include both people of color and white people.  Russ Vernon-Jones, a long time educator and anti-racist activist, is the coordinator and webmaster.

We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions.


All materials not previously copywrited are copyrighted 2007 by Russ Vernon-Jones. Teachers may reproduce this material for their own students. Others interested in using the material, or for broader distribution, please request permission for use.

The first phase of this project was made possible by a grant from the Amherst Area Education Alliance. The Anti-Racism Project gratefully acknowledges the valuable contributions made by José Cantillo, Barbara Love, Mike Morris, Tara Luce, Jordana Harper-Ewert, Joanna Vaughn, Cindy McCarthy and mnay others too numerous to name. The list of "Topics for Listening Exchanges" is based on an article originally published by Jennifer Wexler giving topics for Re-evaluation Counseling sessions, and is used with permission.    The Anti-Racism Project acknowledges its gratitude and indebtedness to the above individuals and institutions and recognizes their efforts as significant contributions to anti-racism.

    Color photographs are by Russ Vernon-Jones, with the exception that the thumbnail photos in the "Anti-Racists" sections are from the following sources: Thurgood Marshall (www.alphaphialpha.net); Russell Means (www.mohicanpress.com); Dolores Huerta (discovery.coe.uh.edu); Daniel Inouye (www.bioguide.congress.gov); Frederick Douglass (www.pbs.org); Patricia Williams (www.columbia.edu); Yuri Kochiyama (www.nwhp.org); Toni Morrison (www.math.buffalo.edu); Cesar Chavez (www.mexico.us); Anthony Romero (www.alternet.org); Rigoberta Menchu (www.nndb.com); Winona LaDuke (http://voices.cla.umn.edu); Tim Wise (www.salve.edu); Heather Booth (www.usaction.org); Morris Dees (osu.orst.edu); Billy Wimsatt (indyvoter.org); Gloria Steinem (news.boisestate.edu); Lydia Maria Child (www.ffrf.org); John Newton (www.igracemusic.com); John Brown (www.marxists.org); Prudence Crandall (amistad.mysticseaport.org); Harriet Beecher Stowe (members.tripod.com); Arthur and Lewis Tappan (Daily Hampshire Gazette, Northampton, MA).


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